Port of Hastings Corporation (PoHC) is required to prepare an Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the proposed Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal.
An Environment Effects Statement (EES) is the most rigorous environmental impact assessment process in Victoria.
The EES process is administered by the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) on behalf of Victoria’s Minister for Planning under the Environment Effects Act 1978.
The EES process is used to assess projects with potentially significant effects on the environment. It supports transparent, rigorous and integrated consideration of potential adverse effects that inform approval decisions.
As part of the EES process, PoHC is undertaking extensive technical studies including field surveys and investigations, along with consultations with the local community and traditional owners.
The project must complete the EES process and obtain both State and Commonwealth approvals before construction can commence. This will likely include approval of a Planning Scheme amendment.
The EES will be publicly advertised for comment and the project assessed by the Victorian Minister for Planning following the advice from an inquiry appointed under the Environment Effects Act 1978.
For more information on the EES process, visit planning.vic.gov.au/environmental-assessments
PoHC has confirmation an EES is required for the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal project.
To learn about how you can provide feedback, click here.
The EES will outline:
The EES will be exhibited for at least 30 business days, allowing for public review of the EES and the opportunity to provide public submissions.
An inquiry will be appointed to consider submissions and inquire into the environment effects of the project. The Minister will set the terms of reference for the inquiry.
The report is provided to the Minister for Planning. To learn more, click here.
The Minister’s assessment will determine whether the likely environmental effects of the project are acceptable.
During the preparation of the EES, PoHC will undertake environmental investigations to understand potential impacts from the project and identify how any impacts can be avoided, minimised or managed.
The process for preparing an EES includes the establishment of a TRG. The TRG’s membership is drawn from government agencies, regional authorities, municipal councils and Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) that have a statutory, policy or technical interest in relation to the project.