Community engagement

Our project team value the importance of engaging with the local community.

Engaging with communities

Our team values the importance of engaging with the local community, to raise awareness for the project.

We are here to answer your questions, collect feedback and listen to project concerns or opportunities.

There will be several opportunities for communities to provide formal feedback as part of the EES through various engagement channels, before the project is presented to the Victorian Minister for Planning, for assessment.

You can contact us regarding questions, to request a briefing, or to learn more about the project click here.

Image: The project team attending the Red Hill Market

Engagement activities

On 12 and 16 November 2024, our team held two community drop-in sessions at the Hastings Community Hall.

We also hosted an online webinar on 14 November 2024, which provided an overview of the project, as well as a chance to ask your questions.

You can access the recording below.

Consultation throughout the EES process

Phase 1

Early Engagement (Early 2023 - Early 2024)

Following lodgment of the EES referral, the project team have been raising awareness of the project and establishing relationships with local stakeholders.

To learn more about lodging an EES referral, click here.

Phase 2

Project Introduction (Late 2024)

During this phase, the team are raising awareness and capturing feedback on the proposed project through engagement activities such as drop-in information sessions, distribution of project collateral via e-news, social media and stakeholder briefings.

Public comment was invited on the draft scoping requirements, which was open from 19 November 2024 until midnight on 11 December 2024.

The draft scoping requirements are available at:

Phase 3
In Preparation

EES Preparation (2024 - 2026)

The purpose of consultation during the preparation of the EES is to inform the community about project details and potential impacts.

Consultation with stakeholders including local community, interest groups and Traditional Owners is to seek feedback on the project.

To learn more about preparing an EES, click here.

Phase 4

Public Exhibition (2026)

Phase 4 engagement will commence with the public exhibition of the EES, which is expected to occur in 2026.

During the public exhibition of the EES, the community will have the opportunity to learn more about the project, including potential impacts and mitigation measures. Stakeholders can submit formal feedback as part of the EES exhibition.

To learn more about public review of an EES, click here.

Phase 5

Inquiry and Advisory Committee Hearing

The Minister will appoint an independent Inquiry and Advisory Committee to consider submissions made as part of the EES public exhibition period.

Stakeholders who have made a submission as part of the EES exhibition will have the opportunity to be heard at the Inquiry Hearing.

Phase 6

Minister's Assessment (2026 / 2027)

The Victorian Minister for Planning’s Assessment will be made publicly available.

The project team will continue to engage with the community and project stakeholders on the outcomes of the assessment and approvals process.

To learn more about the Minister’s Assessment of the EES, click here.

Phase 7+

Construction and Operation (2027+)

Subject to the necessary approvals, further engagement will continue through the construction and operation of the Victorian Renewable Energy Terminal.